Gujarat University BSC Semester-1 Syllabus Download:
BSC Semester-1 - Syllabus
BSC Semester-1 - Syllabus
Value Added Course:
Skill Enhancement Course:
- Apiculture
- Applications of Digital Financial Services
- Applied Problems in Mathematical
- Basic Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis
- Basics of Blood Banking
- Basics of Nanoscience
- Biolab techniques and safety measures
- Communication Skills-1 Bsc-BCA
- Computerized Accounting Software
- Disinfection and Sterilization
- Electro-Mechanics of Optical Instruments and Appliances
- Fundamental of Electronics
- Fundamentals of Computers in Biotechnology
- Introduction to compound Microscopy
- Laws of Thoughts in Logic
- Library and Information Literacy
- Microbial Perspective of Health and Hygiene
- Overview on thrust areas of Biotechnology
- Physics in Biology and Medicine -1
- Play Production
- Tarkshashtra na vichar na niyamo
- Writing and Presentation Skills
- Open Office Software
- Open Source Software
- Solid Waste Management
- Spreadsheet Tool for Statistics
- Basics of Computer
- Bio-composting
- Chemistry Laboratory Skills-I
- Critical Thinking
- Importance and identification of Minerals
- Introduction of Sound Engineering
- Introduction to Compound Microscopy
- Journalism
Multidisciplinary Course:
- Id-Md Statistics Applications Of Statistics In Economics 114a Sem-1
- Id-Md Statistics Mathematical Statistics 114l Sem-1
- Id-Md Statistics Mathematics For Commerce 114k Sem-1
- Id-Md Statistics Population Studies 114n Sem-1
- Id-Md Statistics Statistical Methods In Social Science 114p Sem-1
- Id-Md Statistics Mathematical Economics 114j Sem-1
- IDC B Sc Chemistry Sem-1
- IDC Bsc Biochemistry Sem-1
- IDC BSc Geology (Earth Sciences) Sem-1
- MDC B. Sc. Computer Science for Gujarat College Sem-1
- MDC Electronics 114T Sem-1
- MDC Zoology Sem-1
- MDC-PHY-114P-A General Physics, Electronics Sem-1
- MDC-PHY-114P-B Understanding of Physics Sem-1
- MDC-PHY-114T-A Vectors and Waves Sem-1
- MDC-PHY-114T-B Optics and LASER Sem-1
- MDC B.Sc Statistics 114 Sem-1
- MDC B.Sc Statistics 124 Sem-2
- MDC Mathematics
- MDC B.Sc microbiology
- MDC B.Sc. Fire Safety Sem -1
- MDC Electronics 114P
- MDC B.Sc Botany
Ability Enhancement Course:
- Major B Sc Chemistry SEM-1
- Major B Sc Electronics 111T SEM-1
- Major B Sc Electronics 112P SEM-1
- Major B Sc Geology(Earth Sciences) SEM-1
- Major B Sc Statistics Sem-1
- Major B.Sc Physics General Physics, Optics, Electronics sem-1
- Major B.Sc Physics Sem-1
- Major B.Sc Physics1 Sem-1
- Major B.Sc Zoology Sem-1
- Major BSc Biochemistry Sem-1
- Major BSc Computer Science for Gujarat College Sem-1
- Major-Minor BSc Environment Science Sem-1
- Major-Minor BSc Mathematics Sem-1
- Minor B Sc Chemistry Sem-1
- Minor B Sc Physics Optics and LASER Sem-1
- Minor B Sc Statistics Sem-1
- Minor B.Sc Physics General Physics, Electronics Sem-1
- Minor B.Sc Physics Understanding of Physics Sem-1
- Minor B.Sc Physics Vectors and Waves Sem-1
- Minor B.Sc Zoology Sem-1
- Minor BSc Geology(Earth Sciences) Sem-1
- Minor Electronics 113P Sem-1
- Minor Electronics 113T Sem-1
- Minor Electronics 114P Sem-1
- Major B.Sc Botany
- Major B.Sc Biochemistry
- Major B.Sc Environment Science
- Major B.Sc Health & Hygiene
- Major B.Sc Microbiology
- Major Bsc Biotechnology
- Major-Minor B.Sc Fire Safety sem-1
- Minor Biochemistry
- Minor B.Sc Biotechnology
- Minor B.Sc Environment Science
- Minor B.Sc Health & Hygiene
- Minor B.Sc microbiology
- Minor B.Sc Botany
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